Chaotic Not Random
Wednesday, September 08, 2004


Email me your address if you want a postcard from Morocco!

I won't be posting for the rest of September, as I'm taking a trip to Morocco to visit a friend in the Peace Corps and recharge the blogging batteries.

If you want a postcard from Morocco, email me your name and address and I will send you one, free of charge.

To amuse yourselves while I'm gone, why not fix yourself a nice plate of macaroni and cheese and check out the blogs in the sidebar? When you're done with that, get the family together for a rousing game of Sorry! or Boggle. It's been a while, hasn't it?

See you all October 1!

UPDATE: Sadie has posted an interview with me at Mirthful Ones. Go learn about my thoughts on Elvis vs. The Beatles, what I eat for breakfast, and the time I faked orgasm.

+posted by Lawrence @ 9/08/2004 10:38:00 PM
