Chaotic Not Random
Friday, April 23, 2004


Isn't Trillian amazing? Go read her blog!

  • The beautiful and creative Trillian again exercised her rights under Article IV of the Chaotic Not Random Reader's Bill of Rights and sent me the wonderful logo above, tweaked from the Google Earth Day design. Thank you, Trillian!

    If you've never read Trillian's blog, you must do so today. You must do so immediately, in fact, especially if you share her hatred for Administrative Professionals' Day, Boss' Day, or Take Your Bratty Kid to Work Day.

  • My left second toenail seceded from the Union yesterday. It's surprising how painless it is to lose a toenail. Maybe I should make like the ultramarathoner in Running on the Sun and have all ten toenails surgically removed. Anyway, if you're a sick fuck like Hubs, I've posted before and after photos for your entertainment.

  • I drove up to Longmont last weekend for a friend's birthday, and was surprised to see a banner stretched over Main Street proclaiming April 12-16 "Abstinence Awareness Week." Apparently an outfit called Friends First dreamed up this concept. Be sure to check out their website, where you can buy exciting Friends First merchandise, including visors, baseball shirts, sweatshirts, and other apparel that your horny teen will be sure to immediately "lose" at a friend's house. Interestingly, you can buy a women's fitted T-shirt, cut extra-tight with extra-short sleeves, so your chaste daughter can do an extra-good job of showing off her tits. You'll also want to read the FAQ, which introduces the disturbingly Freudian concept of boys between the ages of 12 to 14 going on "Mommy dates."

    Hey, I'm just fooling around, Friends First. Here at Chaotic Not Random, it's Abstinence Awareness Week all year round!

+posted by Lawrence @ 4/23/2004 10:55:00 AM
