Chaotic Not Random
Saturday, April 10, 2004


Motive Mayhem, written by mM (Salt Lake City). This guy writes original, first-person essays with an optimistic slant on a variety of subjects. He also likes to pick up 45-year-old hookers. (He just gives them rides. Jesus, you're sick.) I like to keep an eye on this blog because I have a feeling mM is a young guy struggling to find his style. Keep struggling, mM.

Naked Villainy, written by The Maximum Leader (Fredericksburg, Virginia) and his Ministers: The Smallholder (Shenandoah Valley, Virginia), The AirMarshall (Washington, D.C.), The Foreign Minister (Germany), The Big Hominid (Seoul, South Korea), and The Director (Hollywood). In order to prepare for the coming Mike World Order (MWO), you would do well to read this blog "dedicated to the dissemination of The Maximum Leader's (and his Ministers') thoughts and comments." Generally this means bare-knuckle political arguments among The Maximum Leader and his Ministers, who hold wildly disparate views on the war in Iraq, the best ways to combat terrorism, and this year's presidential election. At least everybody seems to agree that Jennifer Love Hewitt has earned the title of Official Sex Goddess of the MWO.

The thing I like best about this blog is the way The Maximum Leader begins each post with "Greetings, loyal minions" and ends each post with "Carry on." Every time I read this I see The Maximum Leader in his jewel-encrusted floppy cap, standing on a stone balcony and speaking to his subjects, who have halted their everyday business. A shopkeeper selling cast-iron pots pauses mid-haggle, a man carrying water buckets on a yoke stops in the street, and even a group of monks ceases chanting to drink in the wisdom of The Maximum Leader. Then The Maximum Leader says, "Carry on," and the commoners resume their activities, refreshed by the sage words of their Maximum Leader.

[Full disclosure: I hold the prestigious post of Loyal Minion at Naked Villainy.]

Primal Purge, written by Anna (somewhere in California). Who's sicker: Anna or Skippy? Which is bigger: The Great Wall of China or the Grand Canyon? I can't describe this blog, except that it's strange and disturbing and you should read this post first.

Stupid Evil Bastard, written by Les (Michigan). Come here for well-reasoned posts and news articles on issues of interest to atheists, technogeeks, and gamers. You might also want to stop by if you suffer occasionally from uvulitis or if you like to look at guys with shaved heads and long beards.

The Raving Atheist, written by The Raving Atheist (???). If you believe in God, I would avoid this site unless you have a thick skin, because The Raving Atheist thinks you're stupid. (See his strong atheist assumptions here.) Insightful commentary on atheist legal issues, hilarious Onion-style fake news articles, and acid criticism of theist thought and philosophy.

This is Class Warfare, written by Bruce (Tulsa, Oklahoma). Bruce doesn't much care for President Bush and his cronies, and he'll tell you about that (and other political issues) in long, original posts written with class conflict in mind. Often I read Bruce's entries and find that he's found an angle on an issue I hadn't considered. He also posts his own beautiful photographs and would be happy to recommend some music to you. (Note to Bruce: I know you spell it "bruce" online, but uncapitalized proper nouns give me hives.)

DISCUSSION QUESTION: Is Tulsa well-known enough to stand on its own, like Denver and Phoenix, or it is necessary to specify "Tulsa, Oklahoma"?

+posted by Lawrence @ 4/10/2004 11:52:00 PM
