Chaotic Not Random
Monday, February 02, 2004


Little Kilgore decided it was time to move out of the Blogspot house and get his own pad. Let me know what you think of the design or if you're having trouble viewing the site on your browser.

I've posted a couple of longer pieces under "Essays & Stories" on the left, which you can view as HTML or as Word documents. I'll be posting more of these as I get them polished to a high gloss. I welcome your comments, suggestions, pungent criticisms, or effusive praise.

Huge shout-outs will go to anyone who can name the artwork at the upper left and the artist who created it.

Huge shout-outs go anyway to Walter Christensen -- whom you may remember as the co-champion of Chaotic Not Random Reader Challenge No. 2 -- for sending me a link to the Fixing Your Feet Ezine, published "the middle of each month to inform and educate athletes and non-athletes about proper foot care skills and techniques, provide tips on foot care, review foot care products, and highlight problems people have with their feet." Thanks, Walter! I spent a lovely afternoon ignoring my job and reading about curly toes, hammer toes, Morton's toes, and the finer points of callus filing. Click here to see photos of truly disgusting foot problems, including someone removing his big toenail with pliers. The Fixing Your Feet Ezine operates as a Yahoo! Group and claims 1,040 members (well... 1,041 now). I was unable to discover if they sponsor singles activities.

I'll be blogging on a slightly lighter schedule from now on -- probably four days a week instead of five. I love blogging, but unfortunately I'm a very slow writer, and posting five times a week takes too much time away from my other writing projects.

+posted by Lawrence @ 2/02/2004 08:44:00 PM
