Chaotic Not Random
Friday, October 03, 2003

Comes now the beautiful and enchanting Trillian, who claims to be simultaneously a Cubs and Tigers fan, which is sort of like simultaneously being an OutKast and Vanilla Ice fan. She has publicly vowed to drink an entire case of Old Style beer should the Cubs win the World Series. Go Cubs!

Trillian also admits to sharing my phobia of beer commercials (see my September 25 post). She writes:

"Beer commercials frighten me more than a clown, mime and harlequin convention. Scarier still are the current Captain Morgan billboards. Is it rum or a Fellini movie?"

I haven't seen the Captain Morgan billboards, Trillian. But I see exactly what you mean if they're anything like the Captain Morgan website. (Make sure to swirl your pointer around in the black space to the left of the pulsing door to get the full Felliniesque effect.) Bikini-clad hotties! Muscular, bare-chested guys sporting successfully styled hair! Throbbing strobe lights and gyrating clubgoers, all of whom have had sex since January! Heaping helpings of attitude and raw sex appeal! Drawn-on mustaches! Viewing this site had me cowering and whimpering under my desk for most of the morning.

+posted by Lawrence @ 10/03/2003 11:09:00 AM
