Chaotic Not Random
Thursday, September 11, 2003

Why did they name it Patriot Day?

Today doesn't need a name. Today is September 11 and that's enough. When you mention September 11, conversations trail off. Eyes drop. Throats are cleared. Because we remember.

We remember the first moments when we realized what had happened. We remember our disbelief and horror as the towers collapsed. We remember going home and watching in a numb stupor as the planes crashed into the towers over and over and over. We remember trying and failing to wrap our minds around why.

I'm a patriot. But patriotism doesn't help me understand why 3,000 people died senselessly two years ago.

I love my country. But that won't stop the bloodshed from happening again. And again. And again.

I would die to defend America. But maybe I don't have to. Maybe there's a different way. A better way.

September 11 isn't about patriotism. It's about remembering.

+posted by Lawrence @ 9/11/2003 12:00:00 AM
